Data Structures

The CHIMES variables that need to be defined and set from the hydrodynamics code are broadly arranged into two structures, as described below. These are defined in the chimes_proto.h header file.

Global Variables

The globalVariables structure contains variables that control the overall behaviour of the CHIMES chemistry solver. You will need to create an instance of this structure within the hydrodynamics code. Most of these variables would then be set by the User, for example via a parameter file, and are then kept fixed throughout the simulation (but there are some exceptions). The variables in this structure are described below.

Variable Description
Full path to the chimes_main_data.hdf5 data file (see the
CHIMES Data section). Note that this string can have at most
500 characters.
Array of strings containing the full paths to each of the cross sections
tables, one per UV spectrum (see the CHIMES Data section). The
maximum number of UV spectra is set to 20 in chimes_proto.h. Each
path can contain at most 500 characters.
If you include a redshift-dependent UV background, then the path that you
give here for that spectrum needs to point to the directory containing
all of the cross sections files for each redshift, rather than the file
itself (see the Redshift-Dependent UVB section).
Full path to the equilibrium abundance table. This table is used to set
the abundance array to equilibrium when the ForceEqOn flag is set to
1 (see the Gas Variables below). This string can have at most 500
characters. If you are not using the equilibrium tables at all, you can
set this string to None or none and it will skip loading the
equilibrium tables altogether.
Integer flag to switch on self-shielding for each gas particle/cell.
Possible options are as follows:
0 - Disables self-shielding. Photoionisation and photoheating
processes just use the optically thin rates.
1 - Switches on self-shielding. The photoionisation and photoheating
rates are attenuated according to the shielding length given in
the Gas Variables structure (see below).
The number of UV spectra (or the number of photon energy bins if
rt_update_photon_flux == 1 (see below). You will need to provide a
cross sections data file for each spectrum (see the
CHIMES Data section). Maximum number of spectra: 20.
Integer flag to couple CHIMES to a Radiative Transfer (RT) solver (see
the Coupling to a Radiative Transfer Solver section for details). Possible
options are:
0 - Disables RT coupling, the thermo-chemistry equations are
integrated with a constant radiation field (this is the standard
option in CHIMES.
1 - Enables RT coupling, ODEs for the evolution of the photon
densities and fluxes are integrated alongside the
thermo-chemistry equations.
Integer flag to control whether we use the On-The-Spot approximation
when coupling CHIMES to RT. Possible options are:
0 - Disables the On-The-Spot approximation. Photons due to the
recombination of HII and HeII are added in the photon density
ODEs, and we use case A recombination rates for these species in
the network.
1 - Enables the On-The-Spot approximation. Photons from
recombinations are not included in the photon density ODEs, and
we use case B recombination rates for HII and HeII.
Gives the index of the UV spectrum for the redshift-dependent UV
background (starting from 0). If set to -1, no redshift-dependent UVB is
If this integer flag is set to 1, the equilibrium tables are also
interpolated to the current redshift when using the redshift-dependent
UVB, in addition to the cross sections tables (see the
The current redshift, used to interpolate the cross sections and
equilibrium tables when using the redshift-dependent UVB. If running a
cosmological simulation, this will need to be updated at each
hydrodynamics time-step, but is then held fixed while looping over all
active gas particles/cells.
Sets the redshift of reionisation. The redshift-dependent UVB, if being
used, is set to zero before reionisation.
Integer flag that controls how the effective CO and H2O column densities
are calculated for the CO and H2O molecular cooling rates. Possible
options are:
0 - Include the divergence of the velocity in the effective column
densities (see equation 3.1 in Richings et al 2014a). If you use this
option, you will need to set the velocity divergence, divVel, in
the Gas Variables (see below).
1 - Assume a static gas distribution, i.e. calculate the line
broadening based only on the thermal temperature.
Temperature cut above which the molecular network is disabled and the
molecule abundances are set to zero.
Temperature of the dust grains, used in the rate of H2 formation on dust
and in the cooling rate due to energy transfer between gas and dust. In
CHIMES, we use a fixed grain temperature for all gas particles/cells;
there is currently no option to calculate this separately for each
Temperature of the Cosmic Microwave Background, used for Compton
cooling from the CMB. Note that CHIMES does not automatically set this
according to the specified redshift. If running a cosmological
simulation, it will need to be updated each hydrodynamical time-step.
Relative tolerance used to control the accuracy of the chemistry and
cooling integration.
Absolute tolerance used to control the accuracy of the chemistry
Each time we call the CHIMES chemistry solver routine, we first calculate
the final chemical state and temperature using an explicit integration
scheme. If the relative change in the temperature and all species above
the absoluteTolerance is below the explicitTolerance, we just
take this explicit solution. Otherwise, we use the full CVODE implicit
integration scheme. This allows us to avoid a lot of the expensive
overheads involved in the implicit solver when this is not needed, for
example if the particle has already reach equilibrium.
Absolute tolerance used to control the accuracy of the integration of the
photon densities. Only used when RT coupling is switched on.
Absolute tolerance used to control the accuracy of the integration of the
photon flux reduction factors. Only used when RT coupling is switched on.
Array of integer flags (each 0 or 1) that control whether to
include each metal element in the chemical network. These are given in the
order: C, N, O, Ne, Mg, Si, S, Ca, Fe. If a given element is not included,
all of the ions and molecules involving that element, along with all
associated reactions, are removed from the network. Note that hydrogen
and helium are always included, so there are no flags for these.
Array of indices that maps each species included in the network to its
position in the abundance array in the Gas Variables structure (see
below). This array is constructed by the init_chimes() routine when
you initialise CHIMES, based on the element_included flags that
determine which elements are included in the network, so they do not need
to be provided directly by the user. If a species is not included in the
network, its index is set to -1. CHIMES_TOTSIZE is the total
number of species in the full network (i.e. 157).
To find the position of a given species, you can use the enumerated
species names given at the end of chimes_proto.h. This enumerates
where that species appears in the full network, and then it can be looked
up in the speciesIndices[] array to find its position in the reduced
network. For example, the following would give you the position of H2 in
the reduced network: speciesIndices[sp_H2]. The names of all species
here have been prepended with sp_ (for species) to reduce the risk
that a species name also appears as a variable name in the hydrodynamics
The total number of species in the reduced network. This is calculated by
the init_chimes() routine when you initialise CHIMES, based on the
element_included flags that determine which elements are included in
the network, so it does not need to be provided directly by the user.
Integer flag that controls how we set the absolute tolerances for metals.
Possible values are as follows:
0 - Use a constant absolute tolerance for all species, given by the
absoluteTolerance parameter.
1 - Scale the absoluteTolerance parameter for each species by
the total abundance of its corresponding element (including He). This is
particularly important for cosmological simulations where gas particles
can have very small element abundances. If the total abundance of a
metal if less than absoluteTolerance, then all of its ions and
molecules will be below this tolerance and so will carry little or no
weight in the error estimation when determining how to sub-cycle the
integration. This can make the integration unstable, as then the sum of
the ions and molecules of that metal is not well constrained, which can
lead to negative abundances. By scaling the metal tolerances in this
way we avoid this problem.
Integer flag that controls how much debug information is printed when we
encounter a CVODE error or warning flag. The possible values are as
0 - Ignore all CVODE error and warning messages.
1 - Print only the CVODE error or warning message.
2 - Print the CVODE error or warning message, and also all of the
variables in the gasVariables structure, so that we can see
the gas properties where this error occurred.
Integer flag (0 or 1) that controls whether to use the hybrid
cooling mode in CHIMES, where a user-defined function is used to
calculate an additional cooling rate that is added on to the cooling and
heating rates calculated in CHIMES. This can be used, for example, to add
on the cooling rates from elements that have been switched off in the
non-equilibrium network using pre-computed cooling tables. See the
Hybrid Cooling section for details on how to use this option.
A void pointer that can be used to point to the User-defined structure
containing additional data needed for the User’s hybrid cooling function.
Only used if hybrid_cooling_mode == 1 (see the Hybrid Cooling
section for details).
A function pointer to the User-defined hybrid cooling function. Only used
if hybrid_cooling_mode == 1 (see the Hybrid Cooling section
for details).
A function pointer to the User-defined function that allocates memory to
the *hybrid_data structure in gasVariables (not the one in
globalVariables). Only used if hybrid_cooling_mode == 1 (see the
Hybrid Cooling section for details).
A function pointer to the User-defined function that frees memory
allocated for the *hybrid_data structure in gasVariables (not the
one in globalVariables). Only used if hybrid_cooling_mode == 1
(see the Hybrid Cooling section for details).

Gas Variables

The gasVariables structure contains variables specific to each gas particle/cell (e.g. density, temperature etc.). When you create an instance of this structure, you will need to use the allocate_gas_abundances_memory() routine from init_chimes.c to allocate memory for all of the dynamically allocated arrays in the structure, such as the abundance array. Then when you are finished with a given instance, you will need to use the free_gas_abundances_memory() routine to free that memory.

There are two ways in which you could implement this structure in the hydrodynamics code. Firstly, you could create a separate instance of gasVariables for every gas particle/cell in the simulation. This would store each particle/cell’s abundance array, and then every hydrodynamical time-step when you come to integrate the chemistry and cooling, you simply update the various gas variables in this structure from that particle/cell’s hydrodynamic quantities and then call the CHIMES chemistry solver routine on that structure.

The main downside of this approach is that the gasVariables structure contains dynamically allocated arrays, for example for the abundance array. These need to be allocated in this way because the size of the array is typically determined at run-time by the parameters provided by the User, for example to set which elements to include in the network. However, this makes it more complicated when moving a particle/cell from one MPI task to another, because you cannot just send the gasVariables struct for that particle/cell. Instead you have to read the dynamically allocated arrays into separate buffers, free the memory from those arrays, send the gasVariables struct and all of the array buffers to the new MPI task, allocate memory for those arrays on the new MPI task, and then read the data from the buffer back into the corresponding arrays in the gasVariables structure.

Alternatively, you could just add an array of fixed size for the abundances to the existing hydrodynamics data structure for each gas particle/cell. Then every time-step when you call the CHIMES chemistry solver for each particle/cell, you first create an instance of the gasVariables structure, allocate memory for its arrays using the allocate_gas_abundances_memory() routine, copy over the abundances and all of the other hydrodynamic quantities and then call the chemistry solver on that structure. Then at the end of the time-step you can update that particle/cell’s abundance array from the gasVariables structure, and then free the memory that was allocated to the arrays in gasVariables using the free_gas_abundances_memory() routine.

This means that you would need to know the size of the abundance arrays at compile-time rather than run-time, so you would need to re-compile the code whenever you changed which elements to include in the network. It also means that you are freeing and allocating memory in the gasVariables structures a lot more, as you have to do it every time-step for every active gas particle/cell, although in practice the extra expense from doing this is very small compared to the cost of the chemistry solver itself.

The variables in the gasVariables structure are described below.

Variable Description
Abundance of each element relative to hydrogen, i.e. n_i / n_Htot,
where n_i and n_Htot are the number densities of element i and
hydrogen, respectively. These are given in the order He, C, N, O, Ne, Mg,
Si, S, Ca, and Fe. Note that the abundance of hydrogen is unity by
definition, so it is not included in this array.
Total hydrogen number density, in units of cm^-3.
Gas temperature, in units of K.
Temperature floor used in the cooling integration, in K. If this
variable is negative, it is instead interpreted as minus the minimum
thermal energy density, in erg/cm^3. This allows us to specify a floor
in terms of the thermal energy density, in which case the minimum
temperature will also depend on the current mean molecular weight,
which is calculated from the current abundances.
Divergence of the velocity field, in cgs units. Only used if
globalVariables.StaticMolCooling == 0.
Doppler broadening parameter due to turbulence, in km/s, used in the H2
self-shielding function (see Richings et al. 2014b).
The number density of photons in units of photons cm^-3. The photon
flux, in units of photons cm^-2 s^-1, can then be found by
multiplying isotropic_photon_density by the speed of light. This is
a dynamically allocated array of length globalVariables.N_spectra.
The energy band over which the photon density is defined depends on
whether RT coupling is switched on. If RT coupling is disabled (the
standard mode), then the photon density is defined over all
hydrogen-ionising photons, i.e. those with energies >13.6 eV, for each
UV spectrum. However, if RT coupling is switched on, the photon density
is defined only for that particular energy bin. See the
Relative change in the flux vector in each energy band. This quantity
is dimensionless, and is only used when RT coupling is switched on. See
The strength of the radiation field for each spectrum in the 6-13.6 eV
band, G0, in Habing units, divided by the photon flux, i.e.
G0_parameter = G0 / (isotropic_photon_density * speed_of_light
When RT coupling is disabled, this definition for G0_parameter
allows us to vary the normalisation of the whole UV spectrum, in both
the 6-13.6 eV and the >13.6 eV bands, by just changed in the
isotropic_photon_density. The G0_parameter then only depends on
the shape of the spectrum. This is a dynamically allocated array of
length globalVariables.N_spectra
The strength of the radiation field for each spectrum in the
12.24-13.51 eV band, defined as the number density of photons in this band
divided by the isotropic_photon_density parameter times the speed of
light. This is used to calculate the photodissociation rate of H2. This is
a dynamically allocated array of length globalVariables.N_spectra.
Photon source term in each energy bin for the radiative transfer
equations for the photon density, in units of photons/cm3/s.
Ionisation rate of HI due to cosmic rays, in units of s^-1.
Gas-phase metallicity, given as Z / Zsol, where Zsol = 0.0129 is
the solar metallicity. This is used to interpolate the equilibrium
abundance tables when ForceEqOn == 1.
Dust-to-gas ratio, D/G, divided by the Milky Way Dust-to-gas ratio of
D/G_MW = 0.06.
A multiplicative factor that can be used to boost the rates of all
reactions that occur on the surface of dust grains, namely H2
formation catalysed by dust and recombination reactions on grain
surfaces. This option can be useful in hydrodynamic simulations that
do not resolve the cold, dense molecular gas, as it provides us with
a subgrid model for the molecular component that is not explicitly
resolved. However, if you are solving the thermo-chemistry for a
particular known (i.e. resolved) density then you should set this
factor to unity, meaning that the dust reactions are not boosted.
Shielding length of the gas particle/cell, in units of cm. If
globalVariables.cellSelfShieldingOn == 1, the photoionisation and
photoheating rates are attenuated by column densities of HI, H2, HeI, HeII
and CO given by multiplying the number densities of each species by the
shielding length (see Richings et al. 2014b).
Total time over which to integrate the chemistry and cooling for each call
to chimes_network(), in seconds. This would be set to the
hydrodynamical time-step for the given gas particle/cell from the
hydrodynamics code. The CVODE solver will then sub-cycle this time-step to
integrate the chemistry and cooling.
Integer flag (0 or 1) that controls whether to set the
chemical abundances to equilibrium from the pre-computed equilibrium
abundance tables. If ThermEvolOn == 1, the cooling will be evolved
using cooling and heating rates in chemical equilibrium, where it will
set the abundances to equilibrium from the tables and then compute the
cooling and heating rates from those abundances.
Integer flag (0 or 1) that controls whether to evolve the
temperature along with the chemistry. If set to 0, the chemical
abundances will be evolved at fixed temperature.
Integer flag that controls how we implement the temperature floor. Only
used if ThermEvolOn == 1. The possible values are as follows:
0 - If the temperature is less than TempFloor, the rate of change
of internal energy, du_dt, is constrained to be positive,
so that it can heat up again but it cannot cool any further. The
chemical abundances continue to be integrated as normal.
1 - If the temperature is less than TempFloor, we immediately
halt the CVODE integration. The chemical abundances and
temperature are then kept at the values that they reached at the
point where the integration was halted. This tends to be more
stable. However, it means that the chemical abundances do not
continue to evolve at a fixed temperature at the TempFloor.
Integer that controls the initial chemical state that the abundance array
is set to when we call the initialise_gas_abundances() routine from
init_chimes.c. This routine is a convenient way to set the abundances
to some initial state before we start the chemistry integration. Each
element is then set to the ionisation state given by this parameter. For
example, if set to 0 all elements will be neutral, whereas if set to
1 all elements will be singly ionised.
Constant heating rate (positive for heating, negative for cooling), in
units of erg cm^-3 s^-1, that is added on to the heating and cooling
rates from the CHIMES network. This can be used, for example, to include
the p dV work from adiabatic expansion/contraction in the cooling
integration. Set this to zero to just use the heating and cooling rates
from the network.
Array containing the abundances of each species in the network, given as
n_i / n_Htot where n_i and n_Htot are the number densities of
species i and hydrogen, respectively. This is a dynamically allocated
array of length globalVariables.totalNumberOfSpecies.
A void pointer that can be used to point to the User-defined structure
containing additional data needed for the User’s hybrid cooling function.
This is separate from the *hybrid_data in the globalVariables
structure, and is used for additional variables that are specific to each
gas particle/cell. This is only used if hybrid_cooling_mode == 1 (see
the Hybrid Cooling section for details).