
The chimes-plotter/examples/ directory in the chimes-tools repository contains example parameter files for running the chimes-plotter.py script. These can be used to plot the outputs from the corresponding Chimes Driver examples.


This example is found in cooling_rates/plot_cooling_rates.param. It plots the cooling and heating rates versus temperature for different densities and metallicities from the cooling tables.

plotter_mode  cooling_rates

Defines the mode in which Chimes Plotter will be run, i.e. to plot the cooling and heating rates from the cooling tables.

input_file   cooling_rates.hdf5
output_file  cooling_plot.png

Name of the input HDF5 cooling table file and the output file for the plot.

log_y_min -30.0
log_y_max -20.0

Sets the minimum and maximum of the y-axis. The rates are plotted logarithmically in units of erg cm^3 s^-1.

x_variable  temperature
log_x_min   2.0
log_x_max   9.0

Plots temperature on the x-axis, from log10(T [K]) = 2.0 to 9.0.

line_variable  metallicity
N_lines        3
line_var_min   -2.0
line_var_max   0.0

Different line styles represent metallicity. We plot for three metallicities, from log10(Z / Zsol) = -2.0 to 0.0.

panel_variable density
N_panels  9
panel_var_min -4.0
panel_var_max 4.0

Different panels show different densities. We plot 9 panels, from log10(nH [cm^-3]) = -4.0 to 4.0.


This example is found in eqm_table/plot_eqm_abundances.param. It plots the equilibrium abundances versus temperature for different densities and metallicities from the equilibrium abundance tables.

plotter_mode  eqm_table

Defines the mode in which Chimes Plotter will be run, i.e. to plot the equilibrium abundances from the equilibrium abundance tables.

input_file   eqm_table.hdf5
output_file  eqm_plot.png

Name of the input HDF5 equilibrium abundance table file and the output file for the plot.

species  elec
species  HI
species  HII
species  H2
species  HeI
species  HeII
species  HeIII

Defines which species to include in the plot.

log_y_min  -6.0
log_y_max  0.5

Sets the minimum and maximum of the y-axis. The abundances are plotted logarithmically relative to the corresponding element, i.e. log10(n_i / n_element).

x_variable  temperature
log_x_min   2.0
log_x_max   9.0

Plots temperature on the x-axis, from log10(T [K]) = 2.0 to 9.0.

line_variable  metallicity
N_lines        3
line_var_min   -2.0
line_var_max   0.0

Different line styles represent metallicity. We plot for three metallicities, from log10(Z / Zsol) = -2.0 to 0.0.

panel_variable density
N_panels  9
panel_var_min -4.0
panel_var_max 4.0

Different panels show different densities. We plot 9 panels, from log10(nH [cm^-3]) = -4.0 to 4.0.


This example is found in grid_noneq_evolution/plot_species_evolution.param. It plots the evolution of the species abundances for different densities and metallicities.

plotter_mode  noneq_evolution_species

Defines the mode in which Chimes Plotter will be run, i.e. to plot the abundance evolution.

input_file   grid_noneq_evolution.hdf5
output_file  species_evolution_plot.png

Name of the input HDF5 file and the output file for the plot.

species  elec
species  HI
species  HII
species  H2
species  HeI
species  HeII
species  HeIII

Defines which species to include in the plot.

log_x_min  0.0
log_x_max  3.0

Sets the minimum and maximum of the x-axis. The time is plotted logarithmically in Myr.

log_y_min  -6.0
log_y_max  0.5

Sets the minimum and maximum of the y-axis. The abundances are plotted logarithmically relative to hydrogen, i.e. log10(n_i / n_Htot).

fixed_variable   temperature
fixed_var_value  6.0

All lines and panels will be plotted for the same initial temperature of log10(T [K]) = 6.0.

line_variable  metallicity
N_lines        3
line_var_min   -2.0
line_var_max   0.0

Different line styles represent metallicity. We plot for three metallicities, from log10(Z / Zsol) = -2.0 to 0.0.

panel_variable density
N_panels  9
panel_var_min -4.0
panel_var_max 4.0

Different panels show different densities. We plot 9 panels, from log10(nH [cm^-3]) = -4.0 to 4.0.


This example is found in grid_noneq_evolution/plot_temperature_evolution.param. It plots the evolution of the temperature for different densities and metallicities.

plotter_mode  noneq_evolution_temperature

Defines the mode in which Chimes Plotter will be run, i.e. to plot the temperature evolution.

input_file   grid_noneq_evolution.hdf5
output_file  temperature_evolution_plot.png

Name of the input HDF5 file and the output file for the plot.

log_x_min  0.0
log_x_max  3.0

Sets the minimum and maximum of the x-axis. The time is plotted logarithmically in Myr.

log_y_min  0.5
log_y_max  8.5

Sets the minimum and maximum of the y-axis. The temperature is plotted logarithmically in K.

N_T_init         7
log_T_init_min   2.0
log_T_init_max   8.0

Plot the evolution for 7 different initial temperatures, from log10(T_init [K]) = 2.0 to 8.0. Each initial temperature will be represented by a different line colour in each panel and for each line style.

line_variable  metallicity
N_lines        3
line_var_min   -2.0
line_var_max   0.0

Different line styles represent metallicity. We plot for three metallicities, from log10(Z / Zsol) = -2.0 to 0.0.

panel_variable density
N_panels  9
panel_var_min -4.0
panel_var_max 4.0

Different panels show different densities. We plot 9 panels, from log10(nH [cm^-3]) = -4.0 to 4.0.