Downloading CHIMES

The CHIMES code and data files can be downloaded from the following Bit Bucket repositories using git. These repositories are all publicly accessible, so you do not need to create an account to download them.

CHIMES source code

The CHIMES source code can be downloaded from the main CHIMES repository. As it is a git repository, it can be cloned with the following command:

git clone

This contains the source code for the CHIMES module. It can be built as a stand-alone library, or the source code can be incorporated directly into your own hydrodynamics code.

CHIMES data files

To run CHIMES, you will need the CHIMES data files that contain the various reaction rate coefficients, photoionisation cross sections etc. These can be downloaded from the chimes-data repository. This repository uses Git LFS (Large File Storage) to store the HDF5 data files, so you will need to install git-lfs on your system before you can clone it (see this page for details). Once you have installed git-lfs, the chimes-data repository can then be cloned with git using the following command:

git clone

You will need to make a note of the path to your local copy of chimes-data, as you will need to pass this as a parameter to the CHIMES module.


If you build CHIMES as a stand-alone C library, it can be used from within a Python script using the ctypes python module. We have put together such a python script,, to demonstrate how to do this. CHIMES Driver can be used to apply the stand-alone CHIMES module to a variety of applications, including to run it on simulation snapshots in post-processing (either to compute the equilibrium chemical abundances of the gas particles in a snapshot, or to follow the non-equilibrium chemical evolution of the gas particles at fixed density); to produce equilibrium abundance tables and cooling tables as a function of density, temperature and metallicity; or to follow the non-equilibrium chemical evolution over a grid of physical parameters.

CHIMES Driver can be downloaded from the chimes-driver repository. This repository can be cloned with git using the following command:

git clone


CHIMES Tools contains various tools and scripts that can be useful, such as plotting scripts and routines for parsing the output CHIMES abundance arrays. CHIMES Tools is not required for running the CHIMES module. It can be downloaded from the chimes-tools repository, which can be cloned with git using the following command:

git clone