
There are two ways in which we can define the input physical parameters of the gas that we want to apply the CHIMES chemistry solver to. We can either read in the gas particle data from an HDF5 snapshot file (using IO_mode == snapshot), or we can define a grid of temperatures, densities and metallicities (using IO_mode == grid). These options are described in more detail below.


You can provide an HDF5 snapshot from a simulation, as specified by the input_file parameter. CHIMES Driver will then read in the gas particles from the snapshot and integrate the chemistry for each particle. Note that these snapshot files don’t actually have to be outputs from a simulation. They can also be used to define any general gas distribution by hand that can then be passed to CHIMES Driver.

We have provided routines to handle snapshots in the format produced by GIZMO or AREPO. This can be set via the snapshot_type parameter. This will automatically find most of the data arrays such as gas densities as appropriate for the given snapshot type. For some of the arrays the user can specify the name of the array in the snapshot using certain parameters in the parameter file (see the Parameters section for details), but in general these can be left to their default values.

Alternatively, you can provide your own snapshot load function, if your snapshot type is not already supported. If you set snapshot_type = USER, it will then look for a Python module in utils/ This file is not provided in the repository; instead, the user will need to create their own copy of this file to define their own routines.

It will then look for a routine called user_load_function(my_snapshot_data) in this Python module file. This routine must take an instance of the SnapshotData class (defined in utils/ as an argument. This class contains the various particle arrays that will need to be read in from the snapshot.

You can look at the load_GIZMO(self) and load_AREPO(self) routines in utils/ for examples of how to read the snapshot data into the SnapshotData class. Not all of the data arrays are necessarily required, depending on the set up that you are using. The various data arrays are described below:

Data Array Description
Hydrogen number density, in units of cm^-3. Always required.
Temperature in units of K. Always required.
Two-dimensional array of size (N_gas x 11), where N_gas is the
number of gas particles, containing the mass fraction of each element
relative to the total mass, in the order: All metals, He, C, N, O, Ne,
Mg, Si, S, Ca, Fe. Always required.
Shielding length, in units of cm. This does not need to be read in by the
user_load_function(my_snapshot_data) routine, because it will
instead be set by the set_shielding_array(self) routine in
in utils/, according to the shield_mode.
If you are reading in the shielding lengths from the snapshot, i.e. with
shield_mode == read-in, you just need to make sure that the
snapshot_column_density_array parameter points to the correct array
in the snapshot. The shielding lengths are then calculated by dividing
these column densities by nH_arr.
Two-dimensional array of size (N_gas x N_species), where
N_gas is the number of gas particles and N_species is the number
of species in the network. This only needs to be read in from the
snapshot if snapshot_chemistry_array != None.
Two-dimensional array of size (N_gas x 8), where N_gas is the
number of gas particles, giving the fluxes in the >13.6 eV band in the
8 stellar age bins as used in Richings et al. (in prep). These fluxes
are given as isotropic_photon_density * speed_of_light in units of
cm^-2 s^-1. These only need to be read in from the snapshot if
UV_field == StellarFluxes and compute_stellar_fluxes == 0.
In the load_GIZMO(self) and load_AREPO(self) routines, the name
of this array in the snapshot is defined by the
snapshot_flux_ion_array parameter. If we instead compute the fluxes
in CHIMES Driver, i.e. with compute_stellar_fluxes == 1, then this
array will be written out to snapshot_flux_ion_array in the output
HDF5 file.
Two-dimensional array of size (N_gas x 8), where N_gas is the
number of gas particles, giving the fluxes in the 6-13.6 eV band in the
8 stellar age bins as used in Richings et al. (in prep). These fluxes
are given as the strength of the radiation field in Habing units. These
only need to be read in from the snapshot if
UV_field == StellarFluxes and compute_stellar_fluxes == 0.
In the load_GIZMO(self) and load_AREPO(self) routines, the name
of this array in the snapshot is defined by the
snapshot_flux_G0_array parameter. If we instead compute the fluxes
in CHIMES Driver, i.e. with compute_stellar_fluxes == 1, then this
array will be written out to snapshot_flux_G0_array in the output
HDF5 file.
Two-dimensional array of size (N_gas x 3), where N_gas is the
number of gas particles, giving the coordinates of the gas particles in
units of cm. Used to calculate the stellar fluxes. Only needs to be read
in from the snapshot if UV_field == StellarFluxes and
compute_stellar_fluxes == 1.
Two-dimensional array of size (N_star x 3), where N_star is the
number of star particles, giving the coordinates of the star particles in
units of cm. Used to calculate the stellar fluxes. Only needs to be read
in from the snapshot if UV_field == StellarFluxes and
compute_stellar_fluxes == 1.
The masses of the star particles in units of g. Used to calculate the
stellar fluxes. Only needs to be read in from the snapshot if
UV_field == StellarFluxes and compute_stellar_fluxes == 1.
The stellar ages of the star particles in units of Myr. Used to calculate
the stellar fluxes. Only needs to be read in from the snapshot if
UV_field == StellarFluxes and compute_stellar_fluxes == 1.
For gas particles that are flagged as HII regions, this arrays gives how
long it will remain as an HII region. This array is zero for particles
that are not in an HII region, and so can be used to identify particles
that have been flagged as an HII region. The name of this array in the
snapshot is given by the snapshot_HIIregion_array parameter. This is
only used if disable_shielding_in_HII_regions == 1.


You can also set up a grid of gas temperatures, densities and metallicities and the evolve the chemistry on each point in the grid. This is particularly useful for creating tables of equilibrium abundances or cooling rates, but can also be used to explore the non-equilibrium chemical evolution across a regular grid of physical conditions. The parameters that are used to define the minimum, maximum and logarithmic spacing in each of the grid dimensions are described in the Parameters section, under the General Parameters.