
The following parameters can be set via a text file, which is then passed to the script as an argument. If a parameter is not specified in this file, then it will use the default value, as defined in chimes-driver/

General Parameters

The following parameters control the general behaviour of the Driver script.

Parameter Description
Path to the library file created when you built the
CHIMES module (see the Building CHIMES section).
Path to the chimes-data repository that you cloned from Bit Bucket
(see the Downloading CHIMES section).
Path to the equilibrium abundance table, relative to the
EqAbundancesTables directory in the chimes-data repository. If
you are not using equilibrium cooling, you can leave this as the
default value.
Determines how the input gas properties will be defined. Possible values
are as follows:
snapshot - Read in gas particle data from an HDF5 snapshot.
grid - Set up a grid of gas temperatures, densities and metallicities.
Determines the mode of operation that will be used. Possible values are
eqm_state - evolve the chemistry for a period of time and record the
final abundances as n_i / n_Htot.
eqm_table - as eqm_state, but records the final abundances
relative to the corresponding element, i.e. n_i / n_elem. This is
used to create the equilibrium abundance tables. Can only be used
with IO_mode == grid.
cooling_rates - evolve the chemistry for a period of time and
record the total cooling and heating rates. These are given as
log10(rate [erg cm^-3 s^-1]).
noneq_evolution - evolve the chemistry for a period of time, and
record the evolution of the abundances (as n_i / n_Htot) and
the temperature.
Sets the UV radiation field that will be used in the chemistry solver.
Possible options are: None, HM01, HM12, FG20, B87
Colibre, StellarFluxes and S04. See the
UV Field section for more details.
Sets the Shielding mode that will be used in the chemistry solver
Possible options are: None, read-in, Jeans, Colibre.
See the Shielding section for more details.
Sets how the depletion of metals on to dust grains will be treated in
the chemistry solver. Possible values are: None, J09, DC16
and Colibre. See the Dust Depletion
section for more details.
Name of the HDF5 snapshot file to be used as input. This parameter
is only used if IO_mode == snapshot.
Name of the HDF5 file that the outputs will be written to. If
IO_mode == snapshot, you can set the output file to be the same as
the input file, in which the output data arrays will be appended to this
this file, or you can specify a different file. The script will check
that, if the output file already exists, the output data arrays are not
already present, otherwise it will abort rather than try to overwrite
Name of the HDF5 group within the output file where the output arrays
will be written out to. If this is not given in the parameter file,
it defaults to “/”, i.e. the root of the HDF5 file. This is only used if
IO_mode == snapshot. See the Outputs section
for details.
Specifies which simulation code produced the input snapshot file. Only
used when IO_mode == snapshot. Possible options are: None,
GIZMO, AREPO and USER. See the Inputs
section for more details.
Integer flag that determines whether the input snapshot file was a
cosmological run, i.e. with co-moving units. Only used when
IO_mode == snapshot and for certain snapshot_type values.
Possible options are 0 (non-cosmological) and 1 (cosmological).
See the Inputs section for more details.
Unit mass in cgs units used in the snapshots. Only used when
IO_mode == snapshot. Defaults to 1.989e43, i.e. 10^10 Msol.
See the Inputs section for more details.
Unit length in cgs units used in the snapshots. Only used when
IO_mode == snapshot. Defaults to 3.0857e21, i.e. 1 kpc. See the
Inputs section for more details.
Unit velocity in cgs units used in the snapshots. Only used when
IO_mode == snapshot. Defaults to 1.0e5, i.e. 1 km/s. See the
Inputs section for more details.
Name of the array in the input HDF5 snapshot file that contains the
initial CHIMES abundance array for each gas particle. If this is set to
None, we will instead set the initial abundances to an initial state
as determined by the InitIonState parameter (see below). If this is
set to a value other than None but the specified array is not
present in the snapshot, it will exit with an error message. See the
Inputs section for more details.
Name of the array in the input HDF5 snapshot file that contains the
hydrogen column density of each gas particle that will be used to shield
the UV radiation field. Only used if IO_mode == snapshot and
shield_mode == read-in. See the Inputs
section for more details.
If compute_stellar_fluxes == 0, this is the name of the array in the
input HDF5 snapshot file that contains the stellar fluxes in the
>13.6 eV band.
If compute_stellar_fluxes == 1, the stellar fluxes in the >13.6 eV
band will be written out to this array in the output HDF5 file, unless
this parameter is set to None, in which case the fluxes are not
written out.
Only used if IO_mode == snapshot and UV_field == StellarFluxes.
See the Inputs and
Outputs sections for more details.
If compute_stellar_fluxes == 0, this is the name of the array in the
input HDF5 snapshot file that contains the stellar fluxes in the
6-13.6 eV band.
If compute_stellar_fluxes == 1, the stellar fluxes in the 6-13.6 eV
band will be written out to this array in the output HDF5 file, unless
this parameter is set to None, in which case the fluxes are not
written out.
Only used if IO_mode == snapshot and UV_field == StellarFluxes.
See the Inputs and
Outputs sections for more details.
Integer flag that determines whether to compute the stellar fluxes from
the star particles in the snapshot. Only used if IO_mode == snapshot
and UV_field == StellarFluxes. Possible values are 0 (read in
fluxes from the snapshot) or 1 (compute fluxes from the star
particles). See the UV Field section for more
Escape fraction of stellar radiation from star particles in the >13.6 eV
band. Only used if IO_mode == snapshot, UV_field == StellarFluxes
and compute_stellar_fluxes == 1. See the
UV Field section for more details.
Escape fraction of stellar radiation from star particles in the
6-13.6 eV band. Only used if IO_mode == snapshot,
UV_field == StellarFluxes and compute_stellar_fluxes == 1. See
the UV Field section for more details.
Integer flag to determine whether to disable shielding for particles
flagged as HII regions. Possble values are 0 (do not disable
shielding) or 1 (disable shielding). Only used if
IO_mode == snapshot.
Name of the array in the input HDF5 snapshot file that contains the
HII region delay time for each particle. Only used if
disable_shielding_in_HII_regions == 1. See the
Inputs section for more details.
The number of iterations to integrate the chemistry for each gas particle
or grid point. For each iteration, it will be integrated for a period of
time set by the hydro_timestep parameter (see below). The chemistry
solver will then internally sub-cycle each iteration to perform the
integration itself. If you are using the eqm_state, eqm_table or
cooling_rates Driver Modes, you would typically want to evolve the
chemistry to equilibrium. However, if you are including shielding, you
will need to do this with multiple iterations, because the column
densities of individual species (HI, H2 etc.) depend on the abundances,
but they do not get updated throughout the course of the integration. So
with each iteration, the column densities get updated according to the
current abundance array, and then the abundances are integrated at fixed
column densities. 10 iterations is usually sufficient to converge on an
equilibrium solution, but you will need to test this for your particular
set up.
If you are using the noneq_evolution Driver Mode, it will record the
chemical abundances and temperature after each iteration. The number of
iterations therefore controls how many time outputs will be recorded for
each gas particle or grid point.
The log10 of the minimum temperature when constructing the grid of
temperatures, densities and metallicities. Only used if
IO_mode == grid. See the Inputs section for
more details.
The log10 of the maximum temperature when constructing the grid of
temperatures, densities and metallicities. Only used if
IO_mode == grid. See the Inputs section
for more details.
The logarithmic spacing between temperatures when constructing the
grid of temperatures, densities and metallicities. Only used if
IO_mode == grid. See the Inputs section
for more details.
The log10 of the minimum hydrogen number density (in units of cm^-3)
when constructing the grid of temperatures, densities and
metallicities. Only used if IO_mode == grid. See the
Inputs section for more details.
The log10 of the maximum hydrogen number density (in units of cm^-3)
when constructing the grid of temperatures, densities and
metallicities. Only used if IO_mode == grid. See the
Inputs section for more details.
The logarithmic spacing between densities when constructing the grid
of temperatures, densities and metallicities. Only used if
IO_mode == grid. See the Inputs section
for more details.
The log10 of the minimum metallicity (relative to solar metallicity,
Zsol = 0.0129) when constructing the grid of temperatures, densities
and metallicities. Only used if IO_mode == grid. See the
Inputs section for more details.
The log10 of the maximum metallicity (relative to solar metallicity,
Zsol = 0.0129) when constructing the grid of temperatures, densities
and metallicities. Only used if IO_mode == grid. See the
Inputs section for more details.
The logarithmic spacing between metallicities when constructing the
grid of temperatures, densities and metallicities. Only used if
IO_mode == grid. See the Inputs section
for more details.
Factor to multiply the shielding length by for all gas particles/grid
points. Only used if shield_mode is set to Jeans or Colibre,
or if either UV_field or dust_depletion are set to Colibre
(because the reference column density, N_ref, that is used to scale
the interstellar radiation field and the dust depletion factors in the
COLIBRE model is also multiplied by this factor; See Ploeckinger &
Schaye (2020). See the Shielding section for
more details.
Maximum shielding length, in cm. If not specified in the parameter file,
it defaults to 3.086e23, i.e. 100 kpc. Only used if shield_mode
is set to Jeans or Colibre, or if either UV_field or
dust_depletion are set to Colibre (because the reference column
density, N_ref, that is used to scale the interstellar radiation
field and the dust depletion factors in the COLIBRE model is also
limited by this maximum; See Ploeckinger & Schaye 2020). See the
Shielding section for more details.
The log_T_min parameter in the temperature scaling of the N_ref
column density used in the COLIBRE model. See Ploeckinger & Schaye
(2020) for details. Only used if UV_field, shield_mode or
dust_depletion are set to Colibre.
The log_T_max parameter in the temperature scaling of the N_ref
column density used in the COLIBRE model. See Ploeckinger & Schaye
(2020) for details. Only used if UV_field, shield_mode or
dust_depletion are set to Colibre.
The strength of the Milky Way interstellar radiation field used in the
Colibre model is scaled by this value (see Ploeckinger & Schaye 2020
for details).
The redshift above which the ISRF is cut off at low densities. See
Ploeckinger & Schaye 2020 for details.
Integer flag, 0 - use only thermal Jeans length, 1 - use
maximum of thermal or turbulent Jeans length. Only used if UV_field,
shield_mode or dust_depletion are set to Colibre.
The 1D turbulent velocity dispersion, in km/s, used to calculate the
turbulent Jeans length. Only used if
colibre_use_turbulent_jeans_length is set to 1.
Integer flag (0 or 1) that determines whether to saturate the
ISRF portion of the UV radiation field at a specified column density
(below). Only used if UV_field is set to Colibre.
The column density at which to saturate the ISRF portion of the ISRF.
Only used if colibre_saturate_radiation_field is set to 1.

Integer flag (0 or 1) that determines whether to saturate the
cosmic ray ionisation rate at a specified column density (below). Only
used if UV_field is set to Colibre.
The column density at which to saturate the cosmic ray ionisation rate.
Only used if colibre_saturate_cr_rate is set to 1.

Power law index of the scaling between cosmic ray ionisation rate and
column density in the Colibre model. Only used if UV_field is set
to Colibre.
The strength of the radiation field from the cross sections tables are
multiplied by this factor. Only used if UV_field is set to HM01,
HM12, FG20 or B87.

CHIMES has an option to boost the rates of all reactions that occur on
the surface of dust grains, namely H2 formation catalysed by dust and
recombination reactions on grain surfaces. This option can be useful in
hydrodynamic simulations that do not resolve the cold, dense molecular
gas, as it provides us with a subgrid model for the molecular component
that is not explicitly resolved. However, if you are solving the thermo-
chemistry for a particular known (i.e. resolved) density then you will
not need to boost the dust reactions in this way.
The dust_boost_mode parameter is an integer flag that controls this
dust boost factor option as follows:
0 - The dust reactions are not boosted at all. The boost factor is
set to unity everywhere.
1 - Use a constant dust boost factor, the value of which is set by
the dust_boost_factor parameter (see below).
2 - Use a density-dependent dust boost factor. If the hydrogen
number density nH is below dust_boost_nH_min_cgs, the dust
boost factor is set to unity. If the density is above
dust_boost_nH_max_cgs, the boost factor is set to the value
specified by dust_boost_factor. At densities between these
two thresholds the log of the dust boost factor is varied
linearly with the log of nH. This is equivalent to the dust
boost factor varying as a power-law function of nH.
Specifies either the constant dust boost factor (if
dust_boost_mode == 1) or the maximum dust boost factor (if
dust_boost_mode == 2).
Specifies the hydrogen number density below which the dust boost
factor is set to unity. This is only used if dust_boost_mode == 2.
Specifies the hydrogen number density above which the dust boost
factor is set to the maximum value, given by dust_boost_factor.
This is only used if dust_boost_mode == 2.
The bolometric luminosity of the AGN, in units of erg/s. Only used if
UV_field is set to S04.
Distance to the AGN in kpc, which determines the strength of the
quasar UV spectrum. Only used if UV_field is set to S04
and IO_mode is set to grid.
The x position of the AGN in kpc, used to determine the distance from
each gas particle in the snapshot to the AGN. Only used if UV_field
is set to S04 and IO_mode is set to snapshot.
The y position of the AGN in kpc, used to determine the distance from
each gas particle in the snapshot to the AGN. Only used if UV_field
is set to S04 and IO_mode is set to snapshot.
The z position of the AGN in kpc, used to determine the distance from
each gas particle in the snapshot to the AGN. Only used if UV_field
is set to S04 and IO_mode is set to snapshot.

Global Variables

The following parameters control the general behaviour of the chemistry solver. They correspond to the variables stored in the globalVariables data structure within the CHIMES module. Note that not all of the variables in this data structure can be set directly from the parameter file in this way.

Parameter Description
Redshift used for the redshift-dependent extragalactic UV background.
Only used if UV_field is set to HM12, FG20 or Colibre.
Redshift of reionisation, used for the redshift-dependent extragalactic
UV background, which is disabled if the redshift is before reionisation.
Only used if UV_field is set to HM12, FG20 or Colibre.
Integer flag (0 or 1) that determines whether to use redshift-
dependent equilibrium abundance tables. Only used if UV_field is set
to HM12, FG20 or Colibre.
Integer flag (0 or 1) that determines whether to couple the
thermo-chemistry solver to a radiative transfer (RT) solver (see the
Coupling to a Radiative Transfer Solver section for details). While this option has been
implemented in the CHIMES module itself, the CHIMES-Driver script does
not currently use this option in any of its modes of operation. This
parameter must therefore be set to zero in CHIMES-Driver.
Integer flag (0 or 1) that determines whether to use the
On-The-Spot approximation when coupling CHIMES to RT (see the
Coupling to a Radiative Transfer Solver section for details). As the
CHIMES-Driver script does not currently support RT coupling, this
parameter is never used.
Integer flag that controls how the effective CO and H2O column densities
are calculated for the CO and H2O molecular cooling rates. Possible
options are:
0 - Include the divergence of the velocity in the effective column
densities (see equation 3.1 in Richings et al 2014a). If you use this
option, you will need to set the velocity divergence, divVel, in
the Gas Variables (see below).
1 - Assume a static gas distribution, i.e. calculate the line
broadening based only on the thermal temperature.
Temperature cut above which the molecular network is disabled and the
molecule abundances are set to zero.
Temperature of the dust grains, used in the rate of H2 formation on dust
and in the cooling rate due to energy transfer between gas and dust.
Temperature of the Cosmic Microwave Background, used for Compton
cooling from the CMB. Note that this is not automatically set according
to the specified redshift. The User will need to set this to the
required value.
Relative tolerance used to control the accuracy of the chemistry and
cooling integration.
Absolute tolerance used to control the accuracy of the chemistry
Each time we call the CHIMES chemistry solver routine, we first calculate
the final chemical state and temperature using an explicit integration
scheme. If the relative change in the temperature and all species above
the absoluteTolerance is below the explicitTolerance, we just
take this explicit solution. Otherwise, we use the full CVODE implicit
integration scheme. This allows us to avoid a lot of the expensive
overheads involved in the implicit solver when this is not needed, for
example if the particle has already reach equilibrium.
Absolute tolerance used to control the accuracy of the integration of
the photon densities when RT coupling is switched on (although this
option is not currently used in the CHIMES-Driver script).
Absolute tolerance used to control the accuracy of the integration of
the photon fluxes when RT coupling is switched on (although this
option is not currently used in the CHIMES-Driver script).
Integer flag that controls how we set the absolute tolerances for metals.
Possible values are as follows:
0 - Use a constant absolute tolerance for all species, given by the
absoluteTolerance parameter.
1 - Scale the absoluteTolerance parameter for each species by
the total abundance of its corresponding element (including He). This is
particularly important for cosmological simulations where gas particles
can have very small element abundances. If the total abundance of a
metal if less than absoluteTolerance, then all of its ions and
molecules will be below this tolerance and so will carry little or no
weight in the error estimation when determining how to sub-cycle the
integration. This can make the integration unstable, as then the sum of
the ions and molecules of that metal is not well constrained, which can
lead to negative abundances. By scaling the metal tolerances in this
way we avoid this problem.
Integer flag that controls how much debug information is printed when we
encounter a CVODE error or warning flag. The possible values are as
0 - Ignore all CVODE error and warning messages.
1 - Print only the CVODE error or warning message.
2 - Print the CVODE error or warning message, and also all of the
variables in the gasVariables structure, so that we can see
the gas properties where this error occurred.
Integer flag (0 or 1) that controls whether to use the hybrid
cooling mode in CHIMES, where a user-defined function is used to
calculate an additional cooling rate that is added on to the cooling and
heating rates calculated in CHIMES. This can be used, for example, to add
on the cooling rates from elements that have been switched off in the
non-equilibrium network (see below) using pre-computed cooling tables.
Note that this option has not yet been implemented in, so this parameter should always be set to 0.
Integer flag (0 or 1) that controls whether to include carbon
in the CHIMES network.
Integer flag (0 or 1) that controls whether to include nitrogen
in the CHIMES network.
Integer flag (0 or 1) that controls whether to include oxygen
in the CHIMES network.
Integer flag (0 or 1) that controls whether to include neon
in the CHIMES network.
Integer flag (0 or 1) that controls whether to include magnesium
in the CHIMES network.
Integer flag (0 or 1) that controls whether to include silicon
in the CHIMES network.
Integer flag (0 or 1) that controls whether to include sulphur
in the CHIMES network.
Integer flag (0 or 1) that controls whether to include calcium
in the CHIMES network.
Integer flag (0 or 1) that controls whether to include iron
in the CHIMES network.

Gas Variables

The following parameters control more specific behaviour of the chemistry solver. They correspond to the variables stored in the gasVariables data structure within the CHIMES module. Note that not all of the variables in this data structure can be set directly from the parameter file in this way.

Parameter Description
Ionisation rate of HI due to cosmic rays. Note that, if
UV_field == Colibre, this rate will then be multiplied by
colibre_scale_MW_ISRF * ((N_ref / N_H0) ** 1.4) (see Ploeckinger &
Schaye 2020).
Temperature floor used in the cooling integration, in K. If this
variable is negative, it is instead interpreted as minus the minimum
thermal energy density, in erg/cm^3. This allows us to specify a floor
in terms of the thermal energy density, in which case the minimum
temperature will also depend on the current mean molecular weight,
which is calculated from the current abundances.
Divergence of the velocity field, in cgs units. Only used if
StaticMolCooling == 0.
Doppler broadening parameter due to turbulence, in km/s, used in the H2
self-shielding function (see Richings et al. 2014b).
Integer flag (0 or 1) that controls whether to set the
chemical abundances to equilibrium from the pre-computed equilibrium
abundance tables. If ThermEvolOn == 1, the cooling will be evolved
using cooling and heating rates in chemical equilibrium, where it will
set the abundances to equilibrium from the tables and then compute the
cooling and heating rates from those abundances.
Integer flag (0 or 1) that controls whether to evolve the
temperature along with the chemistry. If set to 0, the chemical
abundances will be evolved at fixed temperature.
Integer flag that controls how we implement the temperature floor. Only
used if ThermEvolOn == 1. The possible values are as follows:
0 - If the temperature is less than TempFloor the rate of change
of internal energy, du_dt, is constrained to be positive,
so that it can heat up again but it cannot cool any further. The
chemical abundances continue to be integrated as normal.
1 - If the temperature is less than TempFloor, we immediately
halt the CVODE integration. The chemical abundances and
temperature are then kept at the values that they reached at the
point where the integration was halted. This tends to be more
stable. However, it means that the chemical abundances do not
continue to evolve at a fixed temperature at the TempFloor.
Integer that controls the initial chemical state that the chemistry
integration will start from. Each element will be set to the ionisation
state given by this parameter. For example, if set to 0 all elements
will be neutral, whereas if set to 1 all elements will be singly
ionised. If IO_mode == snapshot and
snapshot_chemistry_array != None, we will instead read in the inital
chemical state from the snapshot.
Constant heating rate (positive for heating, negative for cooling), in
units of erg cm^-3 s^-1, that is added on to the heating and cooling
rates from the CHIMES network.
The length of time to integrate the chemistry and cooling for each
iteration, in seconds.